
Space, Airborne, Naval and Ground based RADAR, communications platforms, AESA, Transceivers, industrial and scientific applications (e.g. particle accelerators).

Types of SSPAs and Amplifiers:
Highly robust Gallium Nitride (GaN) SSPAs, field-replaceable units/modules (FRU), rack-mountable (19”) sub-systems.

Broadband Amplifier:
LNA incorporating fast-recovery limiter, TWTA Driver, Broadband Power Amplifier

Typical performance features:
High efficiency, broad bandwidth, high pulse-to-pulse stability, high linearity, large operational temperature range, graceful degradation characteristic, adaptive bias modulation.
Low-noise broadband LNA, wide-range temperature compensated.
L- to Q/V-Band.


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Please visit NANOWAVE’s Capability Matrix.


Num Model Number Band Frequency
PW max
DC max
Temperature °C
1 NW103110-60 L 1.03 - 1.06 60.0 1) 15 ±0.15 34 2 -25 - +65 34.0 1.4 9.0 x 5.2 x 1.1 1 - Pulsed SSPA Modules
2 NW2729-56 S 2.7 - 2.9 56.0 1) 29 ±1.0 100 12 +10 - +40 32.0 2) 5.0 2) 9.3 x 5.0 x 1.0 1 - Pulsed SSPA Modules
3 NW8996-50 X 8.9 - 9.6 50.0 29 ±0.35 55 15 -10 - +65 10.0 2) 9,0 8.3 x 4.8 x 0.85 1 - Pulsed SSPA Modules
4 NW8996-50-1 X 8.9 - 9.6 50.5 29 ±0.25 50 15 -5 - +60 34.0 2) 1.7 6.9 x 5.1 x 0.81 1 - Pulsed SSPA Modules
5 NWPAG9092-49 X 9.0 - 9.2 50.8 42 ±0.25 4 8 -40 - +70 34.0 2) 6.12 x 3.98 x .93 1 - Pulsed SSPA Modules
6 NW1517-50 Ku 15.5 - 17.5 50.0 1) 29 ±0.15 200 40 -30 - +85 34.0 2) 1.0 2) 8.3 x 4.8 x 0.85 1 - Pulsed SSPA Modules
8 NW103110-65-3 L 1.03 - 1.06 65.0 55 ±0.15 34 2 -25 - +65 34 6.5 9.0 x 7.2 x 5.4 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
9 NW2729-62 S 2.7 - 2.9 62.0 1) 50 ±0.5 100 12 +10 - +40 110/230 5.0 3) 19.0 x 4HU x 27.2 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
10 NW2729-70 S 2.7 - 2.9 70.0 1) 50 ±0.5 100 12 +10 - +40 110/230 39.0 3) 19.0 x 42HU x 27.2 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
11 NW5457-54 C 5.4 - 5.7 54.0 54 ±0.5 80 3 0 110/230 1.4 4) 19.0 x 4HU x 26.0 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
12 NWPA8996-55 X 8.9 - 9.6 55.4 1) 55 ±0.5 55 15 +5 - +40 110/230 5.6 3) 19.0 x 2HU x 19.5 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
13 NW8996-57 X 8.9 - 9.6 57.0 1) 35 ±0.4 50 15 -5 - +60 34 2) 14,0 6.9 x 5.1 x 0.81 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
14 NW105109-56 X 10.5 - 10.9 56.0 1) 36 15 25 -40 - +80 30 - 60 - 11.0 x 5.5 x 3.3 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
15 NW1517-52 Ku 15.5 - 17.5 52.0 1) 38 ±0.15 200 40 -30 - +85 110/230 1.5 3) 13.8 x 11.8 x 7.9 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
16 NWSPA1013-40 Ku 10.0 - 13.0 40.0 60.0 ±0.5 - - -25 - +65 +23.0 1.95 3.1 x 1.24 x 0.44 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
17 NWPA8892-65 X 8.8 - 9.2 65.0 1) 65 ±0.5 300 20 -10 - +85 110/230 3Ph 11.0 3) 19.0 x 4HU x 26.0 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
18 NWPA8892-68 X 8.8 - 9.2 68.0 1) 68 ±0.5 300 20 -10 - +85 2x 110/230 3Ph 11.0 3) 2x 19.0 x 4HU x 26.0 2 - Pulsed SSPA Transmitter
20 NW0520-20 L 0.5 - 2.0 20.0 52 ±1.0 - - -55 - +85 +15.0 0.8 3.83 x 1.73 x 0.62 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
21 NW0102-10 L 1.0 - 2.0 10.0 40 ±1.0 - - -55 - +85 +15.0 0.16 3.83 x 1.73 x 0.62 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
22 NW2553-20 S 2.5 - 5.3 20.0 21 ±1.0 - - -55 - +85 +15.0 0.275 3.83 x 1.73 x 0.62 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
23 NW5865-37 C 5.80 - 6.50 37.0 53 ±0.5 - - -40 - +75 +12.0 5.0 7.84 x 3.65 x 0.9 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
24 NW5865-40 C 5.80 - 6.50 40.0 56 ±1.0 - - -40 - +75 +12.0 7.0 - 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
25 NW5865-43 C 5.80 - 6.50 43.0 59 ±1.0 - - -40 - +75 +12.0 12.0 - 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
26 NWSPA905101-55 X 9.05 - 10.1 55.0 94 ±0.4 5 15 -20 - +70 +28/other 4.2 6.5 x 5.7 x 4.7 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
27 NW1213-40 Ku 12.7 - 13.2 40.0 50 ±1.0 - - -40 - +70 +12.0 13.5 7.80 x 3.94 x 1.125 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
28 NWSPA1720-36 K 17 - 20.5 36 43 ±0.5 - - -25 - +65 +6/+5/other 3.375 3.66 x 1.14 x 0.47 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
29 NW2640-06 Ka 26.0 - 40.0 6.0 18 ±2.0 - - -55 - +85 +15.0 0.2 3.83 x 1.73 x 0.62 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
30 NW2930-36 Ka 29.0 - 30.0 36.0 1) 51 ±0.5 5) - - -30 - +60 +7.0 12.9 5.08 x 3.38 x 1.00 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
31 NW2065-27 BB 2.0 - 6.5 27.0 22 ±1.0 - - -55 - +85 +15.0 1.9 3.83 x 1.73 x 0.62 3 - CW SSPA Modules / Assemblies
32 NW0014-18 BB 0.03 - 15.0 17.0 20 ±4.0 - -